Thursday, August 24, 2006


Mi unica hija- Vivi- my eldest daughter, the surviving twin, who transformed from a baby to a young girl and now an adult lady who had found her niche in this world.

She had been living on her own now for a year or so, no financial support, no mommy support, apart from responding to her queries on food recipes, some lunches out and helping her arrange her travel arrangements, documents and amenities. She has come of age and if I compare her to my situation at her age (as mom's, we can't help but do this exercise), she had done better than I had ever been. They say that your children are extensions of yourselves- I see her as one of mine but she is more matured and found herself earlier than I did. I will say that she is a great improvement of myself (if you know what I mean)

Haines and Vivian- they do support each other and will travel together to spend time with the family in the Philippines. Haines and Vivi- we wish you well, enjoy yourselves and we will see you when you get back from Manila/Baguio/Cebu?/Boracay?/Hongkong. BON VOYAGE AND GOD SPEED- don't forget our bilins and your pasalubongs pls....