Monday, November 12, 2007

my birthday 11/11/2007

Vivian arrived- had coffee and whatever was available to eat
for lunch we headed down the club..had a pose infront- wreaths were laid for remembrance day in australia
the venue- kedron wavell services club

waiting at the foyer of the coral sea smorgasborad resto
what i ate- a salad
back home with the cake and a candle- with the hubby
with the darling daughter
with the youngest one who can't wait to eat the cake
they didn't want to burn the tiramisu and caramel cheesecake so i just blew one candle
now after eating all the food we can eat,we sat down infront of the tv goofing around and finally watching Mr Bean- the Holiday in France which was really funny.

another birthday- another year- looking fwd to the next one..thank you all for your good wishes